it’s easy for icebreaker questions to feel obligatory – an inauthentic exercise everybody feigns interest in before moving on to the meat of the meeting. 

but don’t underestimate the power of the humble icebreaker – it’s been long established that, when you do it right, they actually work. in one 1997 study, researchers asked pairs of participants to share information about themselves. the pairs that did so reported feeling significantly closer than the ones who just engaged in meaningless small talk.

it’s proof that the right questions can foster or strengthen connections, reduce doubt or anxiety, and encourage team members to speak openly. as psychologist anton villado says, “we engage in self-disclosure over some period of time – typically lots of time – and icebreakers are simply meant to hasten that.”

the key is choosing the right (read: non-cringey) questions. from rapid-fire prompts to thought-provoking queries that dig deeper, this big ol’ list of icebreaker questions will help you get the ball rolling. 

quick icebreaker questions

5-minute team building activities for virtual and hybrid squads

these fast icebreaker questions can be answered in only a few words (or, in some cases, just one word), making them perfect for meetings or conversations when you don’t have a lot of time to dedicate to friendly chatter but still want to establish some rapport and familiarity.

  1. what’s a surprising thing on your bucket list?
  2. what’s the best thing you’ve crossed off your bucket list?
  3. if you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  4. what’s your favorite children’s book?
  5. what’s your go-to coffee order?
  6. what’s your favorite board game?
  7. what’s an underrated kitchen appliance or gadget?
  8. what was your first job?
  9. what’s your favorite room in your house?
  10. what’s the best vacation you’ve ever been on?
  11. what’s your least favorite sport?
  12. what’s your dream car?
  13. what toppings are on your ideal pizza?
  14. what song makes you feel the most nostalgic?
  15. what’s your go-to karaoke song?
  16. what song is most likely to get you on the dance floor?
  17. what format was the first album you purchased? (cassette, cd, digital)
  18. what smell reminds you most of a specific place or time?
  19. do you have a lucky number? what is it, and why?
  20. what’s your favorite type of cuisine?
  21. what’s your favorite way to eat potatoes?
  22. if you could have an unlimited supply of one thing, what would it be?
  23. what’s your signature dance move?
  24. what would your personal theme song or walk-on song be?
  25. what’s your favorite dad joke?
  26. what’s your favorite icebreaker question?

“this or that” icebreaker questions

looking for other quick options? “this or that” questions keep things moving by asking people to choose between only two options. 

  1. coffee or tea?
  2. early bird or night owl?
  3. cats or dogs?
  4. salt or pepper?
  5. pancakes or waffles?
  6. concert or museum?
  7. hotel or airbnb?
  8. beach or mountains?
  9. book or movie?
  10. introvert or extrovert?
  11. city or country?
  12. digital or analog?
  13. pen or keyboard?
  14. socks or barefoot?
  15. sweet or savory?
  16. chocolate or vanilla?
  17. phone call or text message?
  18. adventure or relaxation?
  19. comedy or drama?
  20. sneakers or sandals?
  21. card game or board game?
  22. spicy or mild?
  23. restaurant or home-cooked meal?
  24. ice cream cone or cup?

meatier icebreaker questions

7 icebreaker games to help your team build authentic connections

when so many icebreakers are surface-level and inconsequential, ones that dig deeper can feel a little counterintuitive. but while these may seem like unusual icebreaker questions compared to the cursory ones you’d typically think of, they’re perfect for sparking meaningful discussions, increasing empathy and understanding, and reinforcing team bonds. 

  1. what’s your best childhood memory?
  2. who would your 12-year-old self say is their biggest hero?
  3. what’s an unexpected life lesson you’ve learned?
  4. after people and pets, what’s the first thing you’d rescue if (god forbid!) your home was on fire?
  5. what’s your proudest accomplishment?
  6. what’s your most irrational fear?
  7. if you had to live in a different country for a year, which one would you choose?
  8. what’s your hottest take or most surprising opinion?
  9. would you want to know how much time you have left to live?
  10. what’s a surprising “fun fact” about you?
  11. if you had to teach a class or give a ted talk, what would it be about?
  12. what one day in your life would you most like to relive?
  13. what’s a cause or charity that means a lot to you?
  14. what’s your favorite way to spend a day off?
  15. how would your loved ones describe you in five words?
  16. what’s your most treasured possession?
  17. when was the last time you felt inspired to create something?
  18. what’s one of your nicknames and how did you get it?
  19. what’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
  20. what character traits do you admire?
  21. what trait are you most proud of in yourself?
  22. if you could master any skill immediately, what would it be?
  23. what would you title your memoir?
  24. what’s a habit you’re trying to break or build?
  25. would you rather travel to the past or the future?
  26. what’s the biggest misconception people have about you?
  27. what’s your favorite family tradition?
  28. if you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would you choose?
  29. what’s one thing you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t yet?
  30. what advice would you give to your younger self?

fun icebreaker questions

icebreaker questions don’t need to be substantial to be worthwhile. when you need a lighthearted activity for a holiday happy hour, team baby shower, or anything in between, these silly icebreaker questions are just quirky enough to generate plenty of chuckles while still revealing interesting facts about the people you work with. 

  1. what animal do you think best represents your personality?
  2. who would play you in a movie about your life?
  3. if you could invent a holiday, what would you celebrate?
  4. if you could have any fictional character as a best friend, who would it be?
  5. what’s the most bizarre dream you’ve ever had?
  6. what’s your favorite way to waste time?
  7. if you could be any age for a week, what age would you be?
  8. what’s the weirdest (sfw!) thing you’ve ever googled?
  9. what’s your favorite under-the-radar life hack?
  10. if you could change your name to anything, what would you choose?
  11. what was the last time you laughed really hard?
  12. what’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever collected?
  13. if you could turn any activity into an olympic sport, what would you win a gold medal in?
  14. if you had to participate in an actual olympic sport, which would you choose?
  15. what’s the story behind your coolest scar or gnarliest injury?
  16. what’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever seen in someone’s home?
  17. what’s the worst haircut you’ve ever gotten?
  18. what’s your star sign? do you think your sign’s characteristics describe your personality?
  19. how do you like to celebrate your birthday?
  20. what was your most memorable concert experience?
  21. what was your most memorable wildlife experience?
  22. what would you want your last meal to be?
  23. if you won the lottery but didn’t tell anyone, how would your friends and family know?
  24. what’s your favorite made-up game you play with your friends or family?
  25. what’s a superstitious belief that you believed as a child (or still believe)?
  26. what was the first time (or a memorable time) you were frightened by a weather event or natural disaster?
  27. what’s the oldest piece of clothing you own? why do you still wear it/keep it?
  28. who in your life (or on your team!) would you trust to take care of you if you were an egg?

“would you rather” icebreaker questions

as a subcategory of silly icebreaker questions, “would you rather” prompts challenge people to consider an off-the-wall scenario and make a choice. you can come up with endless hypothetical scenarios, but here are a few to help get your wheels turning.

  1. would you rather have a permanent clown nose or permanent clown shoes?
  2. would you rather always have to hop on one foot or always have to walk backward?
  3. would you rather only be able to whisper or only be able to shout?
  4. would you rather have the ability to talk to animals or speak every human language fluently?
  5. would you rather have to sing everything you say or dance every time you move?
  6. would you rather have a personal theme song that plays whenever you enter a room or have a personal mascot that follows you around?
  7. would you rather be able to instantly master any skill but have to do it in public or be mediocre at everything but always do it in private?
  8. would you rather be eight feet tall or three feet tall?

work-related icebreaker questions

looking for a way to warm people up without taking the focus off of the work you do together? these icebreaker questions for work can help team members learn more about each other’s work-related experiences, preferences, and achievements. 

  1. how did you end up in your current job?
  2. if you could have another career, what would it be? 
  3. if you could switch roles with anyone at your company, who would it be?
  4. what’s the best career advice you’ve ever received?
  5. what’s the most memorable moment in your career so far?
  6. what’s your go-to 世界杯欧洲预选赛直播平台 playlist or music?
  7. if you could change one thing about your job, what would it be?
  8. what’s the best work-related book you’ve read?
  9. how do you unwind after a busy or stressful day?
  10. what’s your favorite way to celebrate a work-related milestone or achievement?
  11. what’s your favorite thing about working in your industry?
  12. if you could work remotely from anywhere in the world, where would you choose?
  13. what’s the biggest misconception about your job?
  14. who is your dream career mentor?
  15. if you could automate one part of your job, what would it be?
  16. what’s the most rewarding part of your job?
  17. what is your most productive time of day?
  18. if you could design your perfect office, what would it look like?
  19. what’s your favorite quote or mantra that motivates you at work?
  20. what’s the most fun project you’ve ever worked on?

virtual icebreaker questions

18 virtual team building activities and games

nearly all of the above icebreakers can work in a remote setting. but when your team is distributed, you have even more opportunities to learn about people’s habits, routines, and priorities. these team icebreaker questions will help everybody feel more in touch and connected — even if you aren’t colocated. 

  1. what’s something the team would know about you if we spent time in person?
  2. what’s one thing that’s always on your desk?
  3. what’s your favorite way to spend a break during the workday?
  4. do you have any pet colleagues?
  5. what’s the funniest thing that’s happened during a video call?
  6. what’s your favorite way to end or start the workday?
  7. what’s something we’d be surprised to find in your office?
  8. what’s your go-to lunch or workday snack?
  9. what’s your favorite or most-used emoji?
  10. where’s the best spot you’ve ever worked remotely?
  11. what’s your go-to music or background noise while working?
  12. what’s your favorite perk of 2022足球世界杯分组赛程表 ?

what’s your favorite icebreaker question? let us know in the atlassian community – we’ll be adding some of your ideas to this list!

bookmark this blog: 148 icebreaker questions you’ll keep coming back to